Posted by: Serielley | December 2, 2007

After 11 Months…

… Seri has finally reached WHM 75!!

I really should have made this post back on Thanksgiving, when it happened, but I’ve been sick almost ever since then and just haven’t had the energy. Plus, I’ve been trying to figure out how to take screenies with the new official windower… I’m sure you can tell by the lack of them in this post that I haven’t gotten there yet. If you happen to know how, drop me a comment! Please! For the love of Altana!!

Anyways… A while back, I set myself a goal. I would reach 75 by Thanksgiving. As Fanfest got closer and closer, and I started to hit the 70’s, I became excited that I might actually meet that goal. After getting back from Fanfest though, and not getting invites for a while, I was in full-on panic mode. Eventually though, Bennigan decided to work on his 73 SAM, so we teamed up and got some parties rolling.

The party that did it for me though was on Thanksgiving morning. I went in with 14k xp left to go, and I was bound and determined to get 75 before I had to go into work that afternoon. For all intents and purposes, it was a merit party, and if I remember correctly, I was the only one getting xp. (I have more to say about meripo’s later on…) Upon joining up, I scanned through the member list, and to my surprise, Razorcat was there! We chatted it up while the xp flowed in, and it was good times. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the other party members we were with, but a big thanks and kudos goes out to you all, whoever you are.

So, Seri has been happily enjoying the benefits of being 75 over the last few weeks. It’s not all that different from being below 75, but I guess from a mental aspect, it does change the way you approach the char a bit. My main goal now is to get a Noble’s Tunic, with secondary goals to get SMN to 37, and to get my Walahra Turban.

My main goal atm, getting a Noble’s Tunic, is proving to be harder than it should be. Even though I’m at 75, I still need to work on my melee skills, so I can use Hexa Strike. I did level THF to 15 for TH, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be helping too much. A few opportunities for large sales presented themselves with WotG, but those won’t last too much longer. I’m basically racking my brain, trying to figure out the most effective means of making gil with the time that I have, since at most, I play about 4 hours on a work-night, and most of the days on my days off. At this point, I’m just going to try a bunch of different methods, and hope that I’ll be able to save up enough for a Noble’s by February. Harvesting, clothcrafting, and farming everything from leeches and cockatrices to ladybugs outside of San’doria [S].

Speaking of the past…

I ❤ WotG. I’m really enjoying the storyline so far, all of the campaign battles, and the new areas, which I think are beautiful. I love W. Saruta [S], with all of the greenery and flowers everywhere. I wish it were like that all of the time. Vunkerl Inlet and Grauberg are lovely as well, though slightly deadly. Don’t forget your sneaks! So far, with just doing campaign battles, missions and a few Besieged, I’ve been able to earn half of a merit point! Much more fun than a meripo, IMHO.

This leads me to a small rant in closing. As I drew nearer to 75, I got my first taste of the meripo. For the uninitiated, a meripo (short for merit points party) is usually a hard and fast party that’s able to bring in 10k+ xp per hour. The setups can range wildly, but are usually just DD DD DD DD DD BRD/RDM/WHM. No real tank to speak of, which makes Seri a sad Taru. I really didn’t enjoy being in these types of parties, as both times it happened, I was w/out any kind of Refresh short of Sanction. I may be whining, but that makes my job that much harder. With hate bouncing around and people going into the yellow consistently, I learned quickly to take a knee whenever I possibly could, and that wasn’t even with a full Haste cycle going! Maybe I’m just not used to them, but I’m not a fan so far. That’s why I’ve been really glad to earn my merit points through questing/Campaign/Besieged. It’s made it that much more enjoyable.

/rant off

Hopefully next time, I’ll have screenies of Seri’s new and improved adventaruing. Gogo Iron Rams!


  1. gratz on your 75 ^^!!! I took a while as well for 70-75 as whm, but was really worth it x.X!

    BEST merit setup ever is BRD BRD WAR WAR WAR Healer, RDM better (even if a taru whm can do a good work in here)
    Since I merit with Kerb sometimes, it ends being a BRD BRD COR RDM WAR WAR party, and it’s a total hax XD
    Wish I could invite ya in one of my merits :3

  2. Regarding haste, I think you should haste the person who “seems” to be tanking the most. It will usually be a NIN or WAR. If you have the MP, go ahead and haste. If you don’t, I wouldn’t bother about not giving it. I’ve been in many merit PTs where I don’t get hasted at all.

    Do you have /smn? The auto refresh it brings is very useful. So instead of 1mp refresh from sanction, you get 2. Not much but its something. Sometimes, the BRD pulls way too much and neglects that WHM. Those BRDs are idiots and don’t realize that a party without MP is a party just waiting to die.

    Regarding merit PTs in general, many WARs these days never seem to provoke. NINs too. I was in a PT where the NIN just gave up provoking because “I get hate easily.” Well if you don’t provoke after the first one, of course I’ll get hate. Some people just level these jobs in order to get sky gear. They literally suck at what they do and frankly should be avoided.

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