Posted by: Serielley | September 20, 2007

G4, Pokeration (a.k.a. /item “Official Reflector” ), and Stuff

Black Mandy, I choose you!

Ahhh, Poke…Pankration, rather. It’s made for an interesting week in Whitegate, that’s for sure. I spent most of the first week bazaaring Soul Plates that I went out and caught, and made a decent chunk of gil for it. Enough so that I could start buying pieces for the next major WHM equipment upgrades after 65. So, I picked up my Blessed Briault and a Noble’s Crown along with a Darksteel Maul, Holy Shield, and one of the new grips, a Raptor Strap. It’s time to start going out and pounding on things, heh.

With the remainder, I’m debating on powerleveling a craft, or just saving it and continuing to Seri-taxi. Crafting is one of those things that I’ve put off doing… and put off doing… and put off doing yet again. I’m just not sure if I would really enjoy spending time in my Mog House watching crystals break, 😛 .

I’ve also gotten G4 done and out of the way. I’m free to take on the old man once I hit 66, which is when I’m planning on doing it based on things that I’ve heard through the grapevine.

Speaking of hitting 66, only one more level to go! I dinged 65 last night, FINALLY.

In other news, I will be here:



So, if you’re going as well and would like to meet up, let me know!


  1. If you’re going for Maat on WHM, I highly recommend waiting for Level 68 because there are a few pieces of gear that it allows you to use that are very helpful: namely Noble’s Tunic and Blue Cape. These both give you healthy MP boosts, and as long as you are good at timing your casts while getting hit (anyone with PLD experience should be a natural for this), and you don’t run out of MP, you should be fine.

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